Well, why can't I get his blogger thing to stay going ..... you think I was too busy or something!?!
So Ollie had a hockey tournament this weekend down in Brockville, his team made it to the semi-finals but unfortunatley lost in overtime. In the first two games, Ollie received the MVP medal for both games (I am so proud of him).
Ollie is #8 (guy in the middle)
This week has been a long week here at the Tompkins-Russell house ... all boys had the stomach flu. Denver (poor little man) had it the worst. Ollie had it Friday night (even called me from a friends house, where he was sleeping over, at 2:00am to go pick him up) and a little on Saturday morning, but assured me that he was fine to go play hockey by 10:00am - even won the MVP for that game. Nothing will keep that boy from his hockey!!
We bought a Wii system last week and love it. Denver has fun challenging Mummy to some games and even beats me (little turd!). Ollie likes it too, but prefers his more violent games (teenagers!).
What else is new .... hmmmmmm......
Oh yeah - Denver skated for his very first time last weekend. He did awesome (with the aid of a helper-thingy) He skated on our pond for about 10 minutes ... I figure for a first time that was pretty darn good. Ollie had a couple of friends over and the were shooting pucks on the nets - so of course Denver and Dierky needed their sticks and joined in. *I did get some videos, but have to figure out how to get it on here - check back later*
OK .... I think that is all (wow - boring life I lead)